Friday, December 26, 2014

Justin Who?

I was given the book, Common Ground, by Justin Trudeau to read just a few days ago. I didn't pick it up right away because I wasn't sure if I'd get through it. I admit I have some biases when it comes to a son of a former prime minister. I expected it to be full of self-aggrandizing statements and claims to fame. I was pleasantly surprised to find it to be quite the opposite. He appears to be self-aware enough and possess enough insight to find faults with this dad and his mom and the Liberal Party. He does it in a kind and understanding way, but still doesn't hold back. He also speaks to being a small "l" liberal, who happens to belong to the Liberal Party. After reading a book on the death of the liberal class I was surprised that he would even know enough to promote such a position. Maybe, just maybe, there is some hope after all. If, and I do mean, if, other people around his age are similar-minded and have strong enough convictions to pull it off we might, just might, become a nation of caring, compassionate people who will pull together to give everyone an opportunity to live under decent circumstances. Having the basics of survival are key to a happy population. Ensuring everyone's well-being would go a long way towards true peace on earth--timely for this holiday period.

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