Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I highly recommend reading the articles, etc., that Fair Vote publishes on line extolling the benefits of proportional representation. I wrote a letter to them that I thought I'd share here.
This is what I wrote after going over their material:
I just signed the Fair Vote petition as I strongly believe that our system is out of date and in need of updating just as your site points out. What seems to be missing from your articles cited and posters, etc. is some analysis of what happens under the present system that is so crippling to democracy. (I admit I haven't read every article on your web site so if I've missed these points, my apologies.)
Under our first-past-the-post system the politicians spend most of their time during elections in swing ridings, like you say, and more destructively, they spend their time and energy trying to prove or at least show everyone how much better they are than their opponents. Even if they win the "false majority" they continue to decry the losing party and how they have to clean up after them, etc. They spend more time, publicly at least, marketing themselves and their party than in some effective governing. The PM grabs more and more power in order to control and enforce the messages sent out to the public again in order to convince the public to keep electing them, NOT it seems to support their decisions to govern effectively on behalf of the electorate. They are not concerned with being accountable to the public but rather are concerned with their image and how it will translate into more votes in the next same-kind-of-election.
And, during elections parties crowd the centre of the political spectrum in order to attract the most votes. How do you win votes when all gravitate towards the centre? Run down the other person, not just their policies or promises! No wonder we get fed up during elections. And, that's possibly another reason for asking for a false majority. So that the public quiets down and forgets how useless and destructive the election process is! The only time a large turnout of voters occurs under our present system is when enough people are fed up with what they believe is going on. So, what do parties do? They create scandals in the other parties hoping that it will catch fire and get the voters out to support them. The recent non-confidence vote is one of many examples too numerous to mention here. They had to wait till they had what they believed was a legitimate scandal that would upset enough people to bring about a change of government. It goes on and on. If there are genuine scandals as this one likely is, fine, but contriving them or making mountains out of mole hills is much more common.
I think the proportional representation voting system would allow politicians to concentrate on what they can offer, such as their assets, and where they stand on the political spectrum in regards to social needs, human justice, etc., etc. They would not have to tow the party line as tenaciously in order to hold on to their seats or to stay in favour of their internally elected boss.
No system is perfect but choosing the one that does the least amount of harm makes the most sense.
In summary, I'm very concerned about the way this system distorts reality and forces politicians to play roles they wouldn't have to play if the rules governing elections were different.

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