I find it hard to fathom that political leaders are more willing to fight with each other than attempt cooperation. I'm not in the know, but what stopped Premier Horgan from going to Premier Notley in Alberta and letting her know ahead of time that the BC government was planning on opposing the Kinder Morgan pipeline that's to run through the heart of the province. Horgan could have stated the position he was in and how he needed to take a stand in order to appease the electorate and the Green Party with which they have made an agreement to that effect to keep them in power. Notley could have outlined her opposition and stated her bind if she didn't support her corporate masters who would do everything they could to ensure her loss at the next election if she didn't tow the line. (I, of course, am assuming this based on what I know about politics, however limited that might be.)
Now they could come to an agreement as to how they intended to play it out in public and then pretend, at least, to be scoring points with their backers, all the while winking and nodding to each other.
For all I know they did do that, but banning BC wine to make a point is akin to, I don't know what. It is petty, silly and child-like. I'm embarrassed to be associated with politicians like that. If they can't be civil in how they resolve differences, they surely can't expect their citizens to be able to. What poor examples they are setting. I know, Horgan, looks like the "good guy", to some extent. But, like I said earlier, what stopped him from giving his NDP counterpart the heads-up?
They didn't ask me for advice, and they never will. But, should they ask...